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I intend to buy the night train from Bratislava Hlavna Stanica to Prague Hlavni Nadrazi on EN476 train on 16/06 at 10:06 pm. On the app it appears as direct train and I need to book a seat. As you can see in my screenshots, the price for the reservation seat is from 3€ but on the interrail website the first option costs 40€. Taking this into account I went directly to the site and realized that there was no possibility to buy a seat 6 bed compartment or only the seat without a bed. This happens not only in this day but all the trips I have searched. I tried to book a seat from Bratislava to Breclav and from Breclav to Prague, this way it is possible to book only one seat for less than 5€. 
- Can I buy these 2 tickets and travel continuously?
- Does this route count as 1 day of travel or 2? Since the train is the same that starts at 22h06 and I never have to switch trains...
- Is there a reason for such a long stop in Breclav, 2h30?
- How do they track the number of days consumed on digital pass?

On the night train there seems to be only sleepers, no couchettes available if you look for a journey from Bratislava to Prague. 

The reason for the long stop in Breclav is that the journey would take to short time otherwise. As it is a night train the travelers need to get enough time to sleep.



you should choose as a discount “Interrail Global Pass”:

Then it will cost you 500CZK for the 3-bed sleepr



I suppose there’s only a sleeping car and the Interrail App doesn’t know that. That’s why it shows you a 3 euro reservation. 500 CZK should be around 20 euro, so quite a good deal for a 3 bed sleeper.

It will be one travel day as you stay in the same carriage… Only if you would first travel from Bratislava to Breclav and change there seating cars, it would count as two travel days (as that would be two different trains). When using the sleeper you have no problem 😉.

About long stop in Breclav: yes, because otherwise this train would be at 2-3am in Prague… nothing to do there at this time (ok, maybe drinking some beer) → for a sleeper it would be way too early and there’s also no train (anymore) going in that direction at this time to take it to Prague (some years ago it was attached to the nighttrain to Berlin but that train goes now via Poland).

What the app shows as a minimum reservation fee does not necessarily correspond with the actual accommodation in a specific train, unfortunately. We have also seen that e.g. for a night train in Italy that only consists of couchette and sleeper coaches but for which the app also shows reservations from 3€.

Unfortunately, this is again a case showing that the information in the app is not reliable.

This train comes from Bp=BUdapest and has portions for mostly places in PL=POland. In  Breclav=old border stop just in CZ there also comes a same type of train from Wien and then nearly an hour is spent shuffling all the various cars into the right train for onward. It IS possible to reach Prahy much earlier (but with a change after 0.00). Even then expect delays-long times works by sprava zeleznice east along the main line toward Kolin/Pardubice.

However, it used to be one of the famous full of stinky socks IR overnight trains-there should be seated cars from the MAV=HUngarian rails to Prahy (and before even on to Berlin).
