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Dear community, I hope you can help me with my question. I have a global pass and I am a German citizen. I am planning to take a night train from Zürich to Hamburg on September 22nd. The train starts at 19:59 in Zürich and will pass the German border way before midnight at 21:50 still on September 22nd. It arrives in Hamburg at 08:00 on September 23rd and I will need to take an additional train to my hometown from there.

My question is: does the 22nd or 23rd count as my inbound journey day? Will I be able to take an additional train to my hometown after my arrival in Hamburg on the 23rd with my Interrail mobile pass? I am aware that I could split my travel into two legs if the train would cross the German border after midnight. However, this is not the case with this connection.

I hope I made my question clear. Thanks a lot and best wishes!

Normally the ability to travel overnight on the first days pass is a helpful feature, in this instance it makes your planning more complicated due to the home country limitations.

The first part on the 22nd will trigger your inbound/home country day.

Any further travel on 23rd will require a second pass day and also a second home country day. If you have already used your 2 home country days it will not be allowed and the pass will refuse to generate a QR code/ticket for that day.


Options are to pay for the onward journey from Hamburg separately or split/delay your journey so the train crossing into Germany is entirely taken on the 23rd so it counts the German trip only on the 23rd.


You can test it by adding journeys to your pass for future days and it will display if it triggers the home country flag, just remember to deactivate them afterwards until you are ready to take the trains.

Thanks a lot for your superfast and helpful reply!! 

That’s too bad but understandable. I will give it a try, however, I guess I will need to buy an extra ticket for my onward journey from Hamburg as I have already used my first outbound/home country day.

Dabei zu beachten das diese NJ sehr oft sehr viel verspaetet sind am Morgen-also wenn es eine SSP mit Zugbindung als billigste heraus kommt, dann mal sehr viel Zeit einplanen.

Oder -es wird wohl entweder S-H oder MacPomm sein: Landesticket ab 9.00.

Guter Hinweis, das werde ich beachten. Besten Dank!
