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Hi, i wondered if anyone could help me. The interail website is showing availabiltiy a 6 berth couchette on the 8th of August from Zurich to Zagreb. It allows me to add it to my basket and proceed to payment, but as soon as I click confirm it tells me that the journey is no longer available. But when i go back to search it still shows as available. Does anyone have an insight as to why this might be happening and whether the journey is actually available.

Thank you

Try to book via ÖBB. Just checked. There should be still enough places available in the couchette car… price 34€ For the reservation 

I am trying to book for 5 of us, so I that must be why nothing is showing up for me

I am trying to book for 5 of us, so I that must be why nothing is showing up for me


Yeah, maybe because no compartment completely free. Would wonder if there are not 5 places still available, but ok, summer season. Best to ask ÖBB on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram…
