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Hi, I have booked/paid for the sleeper service from Budapest to Zurich on 8th October at 20:40.  The OBB app now says “no cabins available for this train”….can I assume this just mean they’re sold out or, more worrying, there’s no cabins on this train?

Where did you make the reservation for the train?

Did you get a confirmation of your reservation?

reservation made on OBB site and yes, i have confirmation/ticket too...hoping it’s just the wording that makes it seem like the train doesn’t have this accommodation rather than being sold out of it….

@Angelo @rvdborgt Any experience of this?

This is just to say that the sleeper is fully booked. Zurich-Budapest the next day still has availability in the sleeper coach. This is the very same coach returning to Budapest.

ok, thank you!
