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Hello everyone,

me and a friend want to travel to Sicily in the Summer and we already started planning our trip (even though we still have over 6 months before we leave). We noticed that there are absolutely no trains available for August and September. Are we just way to early or are there simply no trains? What are your experiences? When should the train times be online?

We checked both the Interrail website and the Trenitalia website.

Thank you in advance!!

Yes you are to early as the current timetable works till 12th June :)

Usually in April or May the timetable for the second half of the year will be published :)
(You can always check with current timetables as there are usually no big changes 🙂 )

Direct Nighttrains from Milan (1x) Rome (2x) to Sicily or From Rome two daily daytime Intercity´s to Sicily :)

In general TrenITAlia is noted for very late updates in its system-sometimes even when the change date have passed! F.e. many people here start worrying as even for Easterweek it is not yet finalised.

For general rough planning you can simply use the times for now on same day of the week-these will change probably only by a few minutes here and there. The big changes are always in december.
