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On a night train that has changed destination...going to miss connections

  • 23 September 2022
  • 4 replies

Hi, m currently on  night train from Paris that was due to terminate at Nice. Due to an accident it is 2h delayed and terminating early at Marseille. 

We were due to travel from Nice to Genoa today but will now miss our original connections. 

How do we ensure onward travel to Nice (and Genoa) without extra cost? Is there any compensation for the delay/not arriving at the intended destination? 

Using the 5 days in 1 month pass. 

Many thanks in advance for any suggestions!


4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Use a planner to find the next connections you can take, if these require reservations then approach staff and explain you are delayed and need assistance with travel to your destination, You should not have to pay for extra reservations in this situation.

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

You need to get SNCF to help you. They are responsible for helping you with your onward travel.

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

We found that some planners miss many of the IC/REX trains from Ventimiglia so make sure you check more than one planner.  

OEBB are showing about one train per hour from VM to Genoa, some REX and a couple of IC trains.

Marseilles to Nice has a few TGVs and a TER service to Nice and then a half hourly service to VM, with a siesta around 1200.

As I am sure you know the IC res fee from VM to Genoa is only 3 euro pp. It is highly unlikely to be full.

Thanks very much everyone. SNCF staff weren’t that helpful but the Trenitalia staff allowed us to travel on the next available train without needing to pay for an additional reservation
