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Only one time available to make a reservation. Can I also take another non-reservation train?

I'll be in Spain for 2 weeks leaving on June 14th.

Part of my trip has me traveling from Cordoba to Ronda on the 25th. While searching the train schedule I see that there's only 1 time available to make a reservation which is 17:15.Am I stuck with that time or can I just use the pass for a  non reservation on an earlier train?

I'm hoping that I'll be able to catch a much earlier travel time. I  planned on 2 days in Ronda and Sentinel de las bodegas and hope that my plans don't go awry because of scheduling.

Hi, please when you only checked on the Eurail website or app, also take a look at the website of RENFE, the train company. The problem is that they do not give all timetables of the train to the European timetable center from where Interrail/Eurail gets the timetable. 

For Spain, is quite usable. The DB website too, currently. The RENFE website is cr*p. It basically only shows direct trains; only when RENFE feels like it, it will show a journey with a change.

There seems to be only one direct train per day and 2 other connections with 1 change.
