I'm planning my journey in Norway for March.
My idea is to do:
Oslo ->Trondheim in a travel day, and eventually catch the Trondheim ->Bodoe at 23.05
Then few days later :
Trondheim ->Oslo in a travel day
Due to the collapse of the bridge on the route between Oslo and Trondheim scheduling the travel from one city to another has become difficult. The only solution suggested by the rail planner is to spend the night in Ringebu, but watching the time-schedule on the SJ website opened other possibilities.
On the way to go traveling Saturday or Sunday:
Oslo ->Faavang ..substitutive bus Faavang->Ringebu ... Ringebu -> Trondheim (I don't know if the bus travel is covered by interrail in this case)
Taking the only daily train passing Oslo ->Trondheim passing from Roeros with a high-risk arrival at 22.27
Returning in Thursday:
Ringebu -> Trondheim ..sostitutive bus Ringebu-> Faavang ... Oslo ->Faavang
Give Up and buy a ticket bus
Unfortunately, some trains require booking so a can't cross my fingers and improvise when the day arrives.
Does anyone have experience if delays and cancellations are common on this rail or know the best route to go for?
would be easier to reach Trondheim passing from Stockholm?