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Hi there!

Last night we booked our seats to travel from Paris to Barcelona in August, but the reservation does not appear in the “Reservation Overview” section of my profile. I read that reservations involving paper tickets, which is the case, may take up to 5 days to be processed. Is this the reason why I can’t see the reservation in my profile, or is it due to a technical problem?

Thanks a lot for you advice!

Best regards,


The paper reservations will take considerably more than 5 days to get. Not long ago the delivery time was 8 weeks. What was the estimated delivery date given at checkout?


Has the money been withdrawn from your account?


There are several ways to make reservations. The TGV between France and Spain are best booked here:



Thanks for the answer.

The estimated delivery at check-out was the 26th July, so I gave the address at the hotel in Paris where we will be staying.

The transaction has been authorized by the credit card, but not charged yet.

I look forward to your comments.

Best regards,


I don't know what information you are supposed to see in your reservation overview but I think that you should see the reservation even if it is a paper reservation.

I suggest that you send a question to Customer Support through the form below. If the reservation hasn't been made I suggest that you ask Interrail to send you the money back and then you either call or go to a ticket office in Spain or France to get the reservation.

Customer Support is currently overloaded with requests so you will probably have to be patient to get an answer . Please let Customer Support know what date your travel will start so that they can prioritise your request correctly

