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Hi there,

my girlfriend and I wanted to use our Interrail pass, but because of strikes couldn’t use our outbound travel day yesterday. Hence, we made a reservation for tomorrow, when the strikes are over - but reralize now that we have no outbound travel day anymore and hence can’t use the trains we made a reservation for. What can we do?

Best regards


get in contact with Customer Support and ask to reset your pass 🙂 Ask the station staff to give you a validity letter that you couldn´t travel due the strike :)

Customer Support function is not very helpful, as the the automatic replay says, its gonna take 7 days to process therequest/question.

Deutsche Bahn is not taking responsibility for train tickets in other countries. So if your trip is Berlin- warsaw e.g. thats fine, but If you have a follow up train in Poland or further... Deutsche Bahn wash their hands and you can't reach nobody from interrail. It is horrible.

Hi Kamila, I see you received a reply to your topic from my colleague Felipe. If there is anything else you need support with, do let us know. Cheers, 

Hints for other travellers:

  1. Never activate a travel day until you're sure you're going to use it.
  2. In cases like this one, as far as I know, the local staff is responsible to provide you with a valid ticket at no additional costs.
