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Prag - Liberec included or not?


When I search for Prague - Liberec in the Rail Planner app it tells me “Not in pass network”. When I search in the seat reservation search, it tells me no seat reservation is required and that I’m ready to board.

How can I know which of these are correct? See images below where search results are shown from both places, the same departure, but with the difference described above.

Kind regards

Patrik Stenmark

ONly those without the local knowledge go by train this way_ a BUS (2 companies, 1 is RegioJet) runs 2/hr in slightly over 1 hr-from a metrostop at end of line though. Price 4-5 €-even lower for students/jnr or snr. Same applies for Praha-Karlovy Vary, though the train is better as to Lib.

The point is: in CZ they are now also starting to frnachise/contract out some lines and it may well be also this one. SOme of the new operators do not accept passes-this is even more so in Romania and PoLand. Fromt this screen I cannot see who operates it-you have to use the better CZ national IF it is CD then its OK-if it is someone else (leo? Arriva?) then not. And as you see-the saving/expense are not overly big

Those are run by Arriva and are not valid with passes.
