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Prenotazione posto a sedere

  • 30 August 2022
  • 2 replies

Io e una mia amica dobbiamo partire per il nostro viaggio. Abbiamo preso i pass separatamente ma le prenotazioni dei posti le stiamo facendo insieme. Prenotando il posto a sedere, avrò un posto specifico (es.:  a10)? Se si, c’è la possibilità di metterli vicini? 

Grazie in anticipo.

Buona giornata

Yes, the reservations will have a train number, carriage number and seat numbers. If you book 2 reservations together in 1 transaction you are likely to be given seats together, as long as they are available.

Hello! Thanks for your question! 
When making reservations, even if you have Passes from separate orders, it is possible to add the travellers from the other orders. This way the system will know you are travelling together and depending on availability will book the seats together or as close as possible.

However, we don't have insight on availability, I'm afraid! In case your seats are allocated separately, you can ask other passengers or the train staff to help you sit together.

I hope this helps!

Kind regards,

