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Hey, im going on my first interrail the August, and om looking for the seat reservations. I do feel like some reservationen go quite high in price compared to others? 
Ex. i have a reservation form Copenhagen til Hamburg for 4 Euros, and then an other from Brussel to Paris for 26 Euros? I think it runs up really fast, it that's the normal prices? or am I doing something wrong? :-) 

Hope someone have an answer. 

Yes, there is a big difference.

For regular seated trains, some countries/operators are free (such as UK, except Eurostar), many have small fees and some (anywhere involving French state operator SNCF, particularly routes to/from France from any other country) can be extremely steep to the point that regular tickets booked well in advance can be as cheap or cheaper. To add extra insult they also impose small quotas on interrail so often no reservations are even possible at all.

ANd-old hands and long time users know ways to avoid it-by using local trains=takes longer, more changes. It depends on the actual route how feasible/easy this may be. You can even set app-planner to ´trains withOUT RES´-as always t pays off to spend a few more min.s to check all possibilities
