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Hello all,


I have read a lot of information on using the mobile app and occasionally see a reference to certain trains required printed reservations and/or tickets so my question is:

  1.  Will I ever need to print either a ticket or reservation?
  2. if I do have to print one, how will I be able to print?  

Thanks again for the expertise of all who are far more knowledgeable than me. 😃


  1. depends on the Route you take 🙂 as some reservations only can be done as printed reservation.
  2.  Printed means here that Interrail/Eurail have to print them on a special ticket paper and have to ship them to you somehow :)

    E-Reservations are done online (sended by E-Mail to you) and sometimes have to be printed (by your self at home) or can be shown from your mobile phone :)  this depends on the Country and train your are traveling on :)

Thank you Seewulf !!!

As we will be traveling for an extended period, sending paper to us will be counterproductive

I guess I’ll have to explore which trains to avoid. 

regards to all,



Eurail could send them to a Hotel/Hostel where you stay next :)
You can try to reserve when you are in Europe at a Ticket office. many countries are connected by a reservation system :)

In General the International TGV, Eurostar and Thalys are the most expensive reservation up to 56€ :/
Nighttrain reservation it depends on the comfort most expensive arround 150€ for a single sleeper with private shower and WC 🙂 Single Sleeper means a sleep compartment for just one person :)
