For reservations in Norway, the best is to call Entur:
(Scroll down to Norway.)
They will send your reservations by e-mail.
Thank you very much. I tried calling them today (Saturday at 17:16 in Norway) and the Eurail page says that they open on Saturdays from 8:00 to 21:00 but the recepcionist voice says that they are currently closed.
Any clue of why this could be happening? Should I just try to contact them more times later on?
Entur seem to have limited opening hours this weekend:
So try again later.
Thank you very much. I tried calling them today (Saturday at 17:16 in Norway) and the Eurail page says that they open on Saturdays from 8:00 to 21:00 but the recepcionist voice says that they are currently closed.
Any clue of why this could be happening? Should I just try to contact them more times later on?
It's a national holiday in Norway today:
Opening Hours National holidays 2022
Sunday 1 mai: 09:00–23:00
Tuesday 17 mai: 10:00–16:00
Thursday 26 mai: 10:00–23:00
Saturday 4 juni: 08:00–16:00
Sunday 5 juni: 10:00–18:00
Monday 6 juni: 10:00–23:00
Oh thank you, I didn´t know it.
I will try reaching them tomorrow then.
Note: atencion, I guess that these trains are REGIonal? Can you tell us what routes you want? REG trains usually do NOT even have to be REServed-or even canNOt be.
And even IF; you can also just (if it is needed) REServ only #1 and on arrival go to VY-desk and let them do #2+3-a few days before is always enough.
Yes, esp. the Norsker take this weekend with an extra day very seriously and give the workers even more time off. In main summertime you will also see-quite different from ESpana, that normal work is only like 7-15 hrs and then you can enjoy the daylite till well after 23.23
The routes that the Rail Planner App tells me that need seat reservation are these:
-Oslo-Vossevangen (REG 80605) / 23:02-04:38 / 6-7 July
-Vossevangen-Bergen (REG 80065) / 19:59-21:18 / 7 July
-Bergen-Oslo (REG80062) / 8:15-15:02 / 11 July
I have seen that the train tickets can also be purchased at the stations but I would not like to risk it because I have read in several places that there are not many interrail seats on the trains and they can get very busy, especially in the summer season.
-Oslo-Vossevangen (REG 80605) / 23:02-04:38 / 6-7 July
-Vossevangen-Bergen (REG 80065) / 19:59-21:18 / 7 July
-Bergen-Oslo (REG80062) / 8:15-15:02 / 11 July
These trains need to be be reserved indeed. For Voss - Bergen (the station in Vossevangen is called Voss), there are also reservation-free options, e.g. at 19:33 and 20:33.
I have seen that the train tickets can also be purchased at the stations but I would not like to risk it because I have read in several places that there are not many interrail seats on the trains and they can get very busy, especially in the summer season.
AFAIK there are no specific quota for pass holders in Norway. That's mainly a French thing. But the through trains Oslo - Bergen can be very busy.
Oh I see, thank you for the information :)
I will try to book them tomorrow by phone just to be sure.
These trains need to be be reserved indeed. For Voss - Bergen (the station in Vossevangen is called Voss), there are also reservation-free options, e.g. at 19:33 and 20:33.
Hey, jumping onboard the discussion, because I have a similar route in mind. You mentioned those reservation free options. However on the rail planner app / interrail website it says that those trains (7th July, 19:33/20:33) need a mandatory reservation. How do you come to the conclusion that there is no reservation necessary? :)
Ignore the rail planner app. I trust the DB planner.