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Etudiante en Erasmus à Rome, j’ai souhaité réservé un aller et un retour entre Rome et Milan. Sur l’application j’ai bien réservé deux billets à des dates plutôt en fin de journée. 

Mais je dois “réserver” des sièges au tarif de 12€ chacun. Une fois sur le site internet , je sélectionne dans mon panier les deux billets déjà réservés sur mon appli ( l’un à 19h et l’autre trains dès 18h30), mais une fois que j’accède au panier pour ma commande, les horaires ont changé et mes tickets seraient très tôt le matin… je ne comprends pas pourquoi. je souhaiterais procédé au paiement mais si j’achète ces réservations de siège  (le tarif est toujours le même, mais l’horaire des trains a changé automatiquement alors que je n’en ai pas fait la demande), est ce que cela passera pour les tickets aux horaire de fin de journée que j’ai censé réserver sur l’application ? 


Merci pour votre aide,


Which train(s)? (Origin, destination, date, departure time)

In Italy, you can book a reservation without the 2€ booking fee at the ticket office.

Online, you can also use the ÖBB website (using these steps), also without booking fee.

First train i booked on app (without reservations seat) : 29 april at 19h11 from roma termini to Milano centrale. 

The come back train is on 2 may, from Milano centrale to Roma termini , start at 18h30.

But when im going to website to buy reservation seat for bot (12€ each) and then i want to check my cart, i have this order : 

But im sure that i chose the good ones before to check my cart so i dont understand and i havent pay my order yet

First train i booked on app (without reservations seat) : 29 april at 19h11 from roma termini to Milano centrale. 

The come back train is on 2 may, from Milano centrale to Roma termini , start at 18h30.

But when im going to website to buy reservation seat for bot (12€ each) and then i want to check my cart, i have this order : 

The time says "PM”, so it's in the evening. I suppose this page will once be converted to the 24 hour clock, just like the search in the reservation module was recently.

But I'd say use ÖBB so you don't have to pay booking fees :)

Ohh thank u 🙂 but i went to obb website but i have to pay 95€ so 😞 @rvdborgt 


Ohh thank u 🙂 but i went to obb website but i have to pay 95€ so :( 

Did you add the discount "Interrail / Eurail”, as described in these steps? If not, then you'll see the normal fares instead of the reservation fees.

@rvdborgt Okey now with the reduction for one ticket i have only 10€ 🙂 thank u 

@rvdborgt Sorry last question… i bought my seat reservation ticket on OBB for two tickets. I have to do sth on the app or no ? (Because i have still the mention on ticket scan “seat required” ? 

Reservations will not appear in the app. They're separate. In the app, you just add the train to My Pass shortly before boarding the train.

Okey and so to show my boarding ticket i will show the QR code ticket i booked ? (when i go to “My pass” and select “Show ticket” )

Okey and so to show my boarding ticket i will show the QR code ticket i booked ? (when i go to “My pass” and select “Show ticket” )

Correct, that's your ticket in the app. And they will also want to see the reservation.
