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Hello, IC 147 (1300 departure) (Amsterdam to Berlin) train was cancelled today for which I had a seat reservation through Eurail. Thankfully they had another train at 1500 which I booked another reservation for on Eurail. However, I would like to get a refund for my 1300 train. When I attempted to cancel the reservation in my account (as per instructions on the website) it stated that I was entitled to no refund. 


Anyone know how to request a refund when the train was cancelled? Thank you 

Please contact customer service:

You should only request a refund via your account if it's your own initiative to cancel. It's not always possible to get a refund though and if it is possible, there are often costs.

Also note that Eurail charge €8 for this reservation, while it's available for €3 via ÖBB or ČD.

Thank you. The 3pm train has now also been impacted which is a shame.

Too late now but surely if a train is cancelled the operator should give you a free reservation on the next available or find an alternative routing. They should always be your first port of call.

Always go to the local train counter first and ask. Though there would probably be an enormous Q

PLUS: learn to help yourself,  check WHAT reason there might be for all the cancels-if there is an accident along the line you can use brains and expect it will not be cleared in 2 mins nor even 2 hrs.

BUT from B to Ams you could use ALT routes with changes which would also bring you to destination-plus that as such one does not even NEED a RES in DE on DB-its optional and in such cases many people will not turn up on their RES seats.

You will likely encounter more such cases if this is just start of long trip-one of the joys of trains that those green eco-promoters always omit to tell in their story.
