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I had two seat reservations on the 8th August:

  1. Barcelona-Sants → Nimes 
  2. Nimes → Marseille St Char

Because all the fast trains were out of order, I had to take another train where no reservation was needed, therefore my seat reservation was “canceled”. I had to take another connection, where I often had to change trains and that's why I missed my next train in Nimes and also the seat reservation.

Can I get a refund for those seat reservation? 

IF yes-only from where you bought these RES. If this was InterRail itself-minus the 2€ fee they charge. And it will take weeks/monthes. 

You can also claim delay-repay as obviously arrived much later as planned. Just search for form for that-can only be submitted when pass is finished.

Ask a full refund here:

Mention your trains were cancelled and you therefore could not use your reservations.

Compensation for delay can be requested here:
