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Refund when trip is aborted, or cancelled after expected delay of 60 minutes

  • 7 July 2022
  • 4 replies

  • Hello all,

    According with the EU Passenters Rights (1370/2007), the taveller has the choice to cancel, or abort the trip if the delayment will be minimum of 60 minutes (before, or during the trip). In this case the price of the ticket will be refunded for 100% (other-said: the double of the refund when the dalayment would be 120 minutes). Which Refund will Eurail give, if a trip will be aborted due to the above-called case?


    1: The Night-Train Paris-Wien was cancelled and no replacement-train, or bus was set in to bring the traveller to his destination? Traveller has decided to cancel his trip to Vienna.

    2: The train from Innsbruck to Zürich was too late and connected-train in Sargans could not be reached,, next train starts 60 Minutes later and will be 60 minutes later in Arosa, so the trip to Arosa became due to the 60 Minutes delayment useless and traveller decided to break-up the trip in Sargans and travels with the samne train further to Zürich, instead of Arosa.

    Another case:
    3: Delayment with Nighttrain and missing connect-train in the morning after:
    Traveller starts in Milano and travels to Deutschkreutz, the NightJet to Vienna has a delayment of 30 minutes: enough to miss the connected-train in Vienna, so the arrival in Deutschkreutz will be 60 Minutes later. Although the continuous-pass, Interrail split up the trip into 2 passes. Will a delayment-refund take place?

    And another case too:
    4: (delayment from a train, started in the country home-residence, but the option to use the Outbound-trip did not work due to a technical-error.
    Train starts in Zürich, ends in Amsterdam (with 63 minutes delayment), bus this train was at that day not be found in the trip-planner (later this train was set, but Inbound-trips can't be used in the past). How can a Refund be claimed with the lack of this train in the Pass?

    About the policity of using inboud-outbound trips. I have some inprovements, which I'll write in anouther Topic, because especially for travellers with a 1-2-3 months pass the chance will be very high that they have to come back to home (work, marriage, funeral of another cases) and now can have big problems with the policity of this.

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Here you can read everything about the Interrail delay compensation.




Here you can read everything about the Interrail delay compensation.


Excuse me, but I can’t do much with this answer. Exactly the cases which I've called in my article are not explained in the link you've given me. So is nothing told about the right to cancel or break up a journey if the expected delayment will be 60 minutes, or more and how much refund EUrail-group will give you and noting is told about the delayments with a connection after a delayment with a nighttrain..

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

So is nothing told about the right to cancel or break up a journey if the expected delayment will be 60 minutes or more and how much refund EUrail-group will give you and noting is told about the delayments with a connection after a delayment with a nighttrain..

I imagine such cases are handled via customer support. They can add travel days and inbound/outbound journeys to a mobile pass.

Userlevel 7
Badge +4


Here you can read everything about the Interrail delay compensation.


Excuse me, but I can’t do much with this answer.

Excuse you but this is a community of individuals, not a paid support desk. The correct response to someone taking the time to answer your query is “Thank You”.
