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Hola, veo que existen trayectos que no son obligatorias para resevar. Si quiero reservar este tipo de trayectos donde la reserva no es obligatoria, como hago?

En caso de que no se pueda, como garantizo poder tomar el tren el dia y hora del trayecto? llegando horas antes a la estacion me garantizaria la entrada al tren?

Gracias por su ayuda.

Heavily depends on the route. If you want precise advice give us more info :)

Either you can make reservations for free/a few € (through the railway company) or you can’t : this is the case for suburban/regional trains everywhere. For example trains in Belgium, the Netherlands + most Swiss trains do not have reservations.

It works in a first come first served basis. It is very rare that you have to stand though (except at rush hour in cities), there are loads of seats and nobody will have a reservation. You are always allowed to board so it’s unnecessary to arrive hours in advance : 10-15 min is enough.

As a general tip : go to train ends, people are lazy and board in the middle so you’ll guaranteed find more seats there.

How to book depends on the train. Have a look here:

If that doesn't help, then please mention route, date and departure time of the trains you'd like to book.
