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Hello! I’m having trouble reserving some trains throughout my trip, because it says it’s no available. For examen, a train from Prague to krakow on September 12 (ec 115) from 10.02 to 17.06 hours
I cannot book it online or on the app
I’ve had this problem with other reservations
I cannot book it in the country of departure because it would be just a few days before and I am afraid there isn’t gonna me seats

Hi you should be able to book via Chech railways website, you have to search for the train, and than select only a seat.

But maybe the trains to Poland are not open yet for bookings, due to the polish timetable change in September.

Quell your fears-in the unlikely case the few cars for this trip are told to be ´viprodano =soldout´, then there are numerous other ways of making this trip-and also in those iron monsters on the rails, that day. Expect delays-for many monthes heavy works east od Prahy do Kolina/Olomouc.
