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Reservation conditions not matched due to broken carriage - compensation/refund possible

  • 17 July 2022
  • 2 replies


We had a reservation from Budapest to Bucharest on the 13th of July, departing 19:10 from Budapest. . We had two tickets in a private compartment (2 people), however in the train the supervisor told us that the carriage was broken and we travelled in a four people compartment, despite we paid the full price for the 2-people option. Is there any possibility to ask for a compensation/refund, given that we travelled in a category different from the reservation?

Thanks and regards


2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

There probably is-if you have statement about what happened. You can only claim at where you booked-which you did not state clearly.

thanks for the reply - I booked via the Interrail website. I will try get in touch with them. Thanks!
