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I would like to reserve the train from paris to barcelona on 19th of August. In the reservation tool I see this can only be a paper ticket. However, it is not possible for me to organise this. Is there a way to get a e-ticket? Can I for example go to the trainstation of Amsterdam tomorrow to reserve this ticket? Or is it only possible to do so when I am in Paris?

@community manager - I see there are more people with this question.  Thanks a lot! :)


Hi, if a paper ticket is not an option for you due to the delivery time, you can book your reservation locally, at a ticket desk or self-service machine in French train stations. Enjoy your trip! Cheers, 


Is it only possible at French train stations, or would it also be possible to book it at Amsterdam Central station for example? Thanks!

Is it only possible at French train stations, or would it also be possible to book it at Amsterdam Central station for example? Thanks!

My experience is that even NS Internatioal can reserve this train but not ontop of the High reservation fee they chare a service fee of 7,50€ for issuing the reservation :)

Is it only possible at French train stations, or would it also be possible to book it at Amsterdam Central station for example? Thanks!

My experience is that even NS Internatioal can reserve this train but not ontop of the High reservation fee they chare a service fee of 7,50€ for issuing the reservation :)

NS could book this train until 2 years ago and then, for unknown reasons, they stopped selling Spanish destinations. Passenger organisations are pushing NS to add Spain again but no luck so far, only vague promises :/
