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Reservations not actually available with the Pass? London - Paris

Every train to and from London via Paris is unavailable, yet there are seats on all of the trains????????



Prices unavailable

No price results were found for this connection. It is possible that all pass holder seats are sold out. Please try searching for another connection or check 'More information' and try other ways to book this seat reservation. If no pass holder seats are available anymore you need to buy a separate full fare ticket to board.


Is anyone else seeing this?  Is Eurail a scam????


11 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

No-you did not take the odd extra minute to read some of the very frequent same-same questions and the general info. EUrail is only the name of the coöperative 33 national railways+many others that ride trains all over EURope.

These hi-speed trains, TGV and all its derivatives by SNCF (french railways-no priority though for Quebeqians) have QUOTA for passholders-as they also have to look at their income. And travel suddenly booms after most covid rules have been out of use now. And summer is always hi-peak-time. And there are some green prophets preaching that one should not fly and go by train. Then one gets heavy demand.

Well over 90% of all trains running have NO reserv-like the GO-Ontario-but all new passholders seem to want to ride -very unimaginatively- exact just those trains that do and thus get overflown.

Plus that due to lack of spare parts-and lack of staff to repair it when there were- (some war going on) many trains are taken out of service.

Thats how it is. €* has no pass-seats for the next 2-3 weeks. 

Its also much wiser to forego this app and use other=classic means to REServe-all listed o a page by seewulf-this also saves money. For this trip: call SNCF or B-rail (belg railways_ and be flexible-take what they can offer, not youre probably monthes before carefully set up travelplan.

(long answer-as I now sit in some train in germany-which has stopped due to some signal failure ahead and using its wifi that still works)

Thank you for taking the time to reply and I hope your train finds its way on the move again. 




Userlevel 7
Badge +9

What date and time are you trying to make a reservation for? 

Where have you checked the availability of pass holder seats?

July 6th and July 11th. All available times on those days.


We tried to book through the Eurail reservation platform.

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

I assume you mean London - Paris on the 6th of July and then back on the 11th? Is that correct?

Where did you see that there should be seats available on those dates?

Yes you are correct.  I went directly to the Eurostar website to look for train times and availability. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Ok. On the Eurostar website you see the availability of all seats. There is a limited number of pass holder seats. There are several price groups and the pass holder seats are in group 3. When all seats in group 3 and below are sold out there are no pass holder seats available anymore. I'll post a link to where you can see the availability of pass holder seats. Just a minute.  

Hi Anna,


The lowest class is available which I expect is group 3.


Userlevel 7
Badge +9

No, that is the group 1 or 2 of the 2nd class tickets. 

Here is a good place to check the availability of pass holder seats on the Eurostar.

I saw from your other post that you are a family so I checked the availability for 3 persons from London to Paris and the first free seats are on the 24th of July.


Thank you so kindly Anna. For your time and response.  I will revert to buying tickets and then attempting to use the Eurail pass for other trips. 


Have a super day!

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

The Eurostar is a very popular route and during high season  the pass holder seats on many departures sell out weeks and also months in advance.
