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I am going to take the train from copenhagen to Barcelona to a conference, as part of this route, I had a sleeping compartment in a couchette from Hamburg to Basel Sbb. 
however, Öbb have not been able to secure enough couchette cars, so instead of a couchette I am offered a seat for the journey, and a partial refund. 
I think this is going to be a bit of a problem for me, since I am not sure I will be able to sleep in a seating carriage. 
any ideas what I can do instead? I have already booked the entire journey to Barcelona and back, and I dont think I can refund the travel and take the plane. 
Thanks in advance!

In seating car they have usually also compartments with seats to stretch out… there it is quite well possible to sleep. 

In seating car they have usually also compartments with seats to stretch out… there it is quite well possible to sleep. 

Ahh nice, well fingers crossed! 😃

Here you can see pictures: 
Just have to hope that compartment won’t be full with 5 other people and that there will be compartment wagon… sometimes they replace it with open seating carriage :/

Good luck and safe trip!

From own exp. using this train (from H, not HH): for seats there were 3 old IC-cars /open plan, from DB-but a specific seat could NOT be reserved via, but yes via was not indicated on the screens for that. But maybe, perhaps, OeBB has replaced the missing Liegewagen with a specific other car-I really do not know. There are som very specific/Zugverrückte Forums in /de/, where there will always be someone who knows it all, in case you want to bother. 

I for myself, having used quite a lot of passes and also travelled overnite quite a few times (the last just 4 nights ago, on DB-only 2 hrs late in HH) have tried after many yrs again a trip in a FRench couchette some monthes ago and found it in fact worse as a IC/ICE-but thats of course only very personal.

Its evident that in the current busy hi-summer-season these overniters are mosty used by young people crashing down where-ever they can find some space-most travel with a sleeping bag anyway

From own exp. using this train (from H, not HH): for seats there were 3 old IC-cars /open plan, from DB-but a specific seat could NOT be reserved via, but yes via was not indicated on the screens for that. But maybe, perhaps, OeBB has replaced the missing Liegewagen with a specific other car-I really do not know. There are som very specific/Zugverrückte Forums in /de/, where there will always be someone who knows it all, in case you want to bother. 

I for myself, having used quite a lot of passes and also travelled overnite quite a few times (the last just 4 nights ago, on DB-only 2 hrs late in HH) have tried after many yrs again a trip in a FRench couchette some monthes ago and found it in fact worse as a IC/ICE-but thats of course only very personal.

Its evident that in the current busy hi-summer-season these overniters are mosty used by young people crashing down where-ever they can find some space-most travel with a sleeping bag anyway

well, on the return trip I will be taking the french night train from Latour de carol to Paris, so I will get a firsthand experience of that quality ;)

