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I have just bought Interrail passes for myself and son.  

The first trip I selected on my pass was the outbound trip from UK to Amsterdam.  I now need to reserve seats on Eurostar.  I have no idea how to do this on Interrail site, and just seem to be going in circles.

Do I have to reserve seat directly with Eurostar? Or can I reserve from Interrail site?

confused, any help appreciated

You can reserve online only via (+2€/train fee) or via B-Europe (Paper Pass Cover Number needed - +4€/booking)

Is it necessary to have a papper pass cover number to reserve seats on Eurostar? I have a eurail online pass and i dont what to do

Is it necessary to have a papper pass cover number to reserve seats on Eurostar?

That depends on the website you use. There are multiple ways to book Eurostar without a pass cover number. You can get one if you want though.
