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Bonjour, je serais intéressée pour faire un tour de l'Italie en aout 2023 mais lorsque je souhaite réserver les trajets en trains aucuns sont disponibles. Or sur la période de janvier il y a beaucoup de propositions, est ce trop tôt ou il y a t’il moins de trajets en saison estivale ?


There is a timetable change in June the final summertimetable is not published yet :) 

Usually you have more trains in summer :) 

Good news ! Thank you!!

The same applies to even those trains run by this state-behemoth named SNCF.

For general global planning simply use a samedayofweek in jan/febr-timings may differ by a few min.s in summer, but travel time and how often will stay the same.

Also note that in IT-even mor as in FR, there is a big difference between local/regionale treni and the long-distance (no TGV, but named Frecce and IC).
