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Route from Zermatt to Chur

  • 27 June 2022
  • 3 replies

Hello everyone ! I'm travelling to Switzerland this summer and wanted to make the route from Zermatt to Chur from the regular train. My final destination is technically Zurich but I want to do the exact same route has the express glacier. I'm not sure if the app gives me the exact same route or it gives me the fastest route. Can someone help me figure out wich trains to which destination to be able to reproduce the express glacier route from zermatt . Thank you in advance!!!! 


Josie xx 

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Do not use app-use -should be evident-planer of local railway=always best. or .com.. Next best is as it covers even more as app and does get regulalrly updated.

Its SLOW- and use segments: Zermatt-Brig-Chur-Züri. Z-Ch is the part of glacier. Is that easy or is that simple? With bahn: click on train nr and then whole route with all stops appear


Userlevel 7
Badge +9

If you look at (the Swiss Railway) you need to add "Via" Andenmatt, Bahnhof to get the correct route between Zermatt and Chur.

The trains without change saying PE are the panoramic trains. You need to take one of the trains with several changes. No reservations needed or even possible on some trains.


Thank you so much all for your answers 🥰🥰🥰
