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Hi there, I am planning to travel from India to Europe and looking at all possible train connections. One point is reserving a seat. Many of my train journeys say - reservation is not necessary but if required, I can reserve.


Now the question is - if I don’t reserve a seat and reach the train coach only to find no seat is available, are we allowed to board the train and complete the journey standing inside the coach? In other words, are standing passengers allowed?


Thank you for sharing your viewpoints.

In general, yes, standing on non-compulsory reservation trains is allowed

As always Europe is a collection of many countries that all do things differently so there will be variations and limits, certainly the cliched Indian train with people bursting out of the carriages and hanging on to the sides is not allowed.

This forum only covers EURopa-where this pass is valid. Check for advice on further on-and this will involve long sectors of no train at all and perhaps also visa-problems-Pakistan and Iran.

Even via Turkey service is extremely limited, and from there to Bulgaria is just 1 train/day. From there there will be many more ALternatives anyway-and often even without need to REServe. Its not Indian railways here with 2 and 3-tier etc.

Hello, in general it should be possible for regional trains, however, this does not apply to high speed/international/night trains where a reservation is required.
