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Booking a train from budapest to bucuresti, i can fill every information in the cart but the process is blocked at “process with payment”.


The conditions are accepted



Where are you making the reservation? What train and date?

This is the price for a full fare ticket (and even then quite high) or are you one of those that more+more spring up lately who wants the whole 1st cl sleeper compt for themselves? and thus bar other from using trains……….In such a case railways over there will probably also want to see that 3 or maybe 2 real tickets are held and paid for

As always-forget this app-use the sites that are mentioned in the REServ how to page from seewulf. Quite possible that MAV will not do REServ only online-or that you are again way too early.

Booking a train from budapest to bucuresti, i can fill every information in the cart but the process is blocked at “process with payment”.


The conditions are accepted



Hi Adrien, I am sorry to read this. Please be kindly informed that this issue was caused due to heavy traffic on our website.

Please let me know if you still need assistance.


Kind regards,

