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I already bought Eurail Global Pass and booked seat reservation.

However, from July 1st, the Eurail Global Pass has 15% discounted price. 

I would like to cancel the ticket I bought in original price, and buy another discounted ticket.

the question is the seat reservation listed with the ticket number, if I canceled the original price ticket, is the seat reservation still usable?

Hi if on the reservation the old Cover Number is on it, than it could be a problem, but I never saw train conductors check the number of the pass. 

Wouldn’t worry about it. They don’t check the numbers… as long as you have a valid ticket, the rest doesn’t matter.

Cehck first-most cancellations also involve a 15% ( or was that 10%)? fee-so you gain nothing or very little-and will have to wait weeks/monthes before the money comes back.

Same as you bought some thing in shop full price last SAT and it is this week in promotion.
