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Hello from me again..A last question i hope..I was trying to make our seat reservations for a high speed train in Italy...I went through all the steps and make it to the payment but i wasn't ask which seats i want to book . I don't have this option? They will give me the seats that they want? I can't choose? I m traveling with my two daughters and of course i want to be near which point i can see the number of the seats that we have book? Thank you very much 



On what booking site are you making the reservation?

For Italian High Speed Trains, IC and EC we in the community reccomend to use Austrian Railways website one way ticket and than at adult choose the discount Interrail/Eurail Global Pass

I forget often to read the hole question. My bad. It is not possible to choose the seat neighter via Interrail neighter via ÖBB for italian trains. Only at Ticket Offices of Trenitalia.


Normally you would get seats together, but I'm not 100% sure.

I tried via the interaill i didn't know that i can do it from other sites... Thank you very much 

I tried via the interaill i didn't know that i can do it from other sites... Thank you very much 


Thank you all for your answers..I book my reservations through interaill sait... Everything went well...they send me the seat reservations and its three seats in a everything is perfect.. Thank youuu 
