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Seat reservations in Italy

  • 20 July 2024
  • 3 replies

We bought a couple of Global Passes yesterday (7 days in a month - 1st Class) which we secured just before the 20% discount ran out. Only condition is I can’t book anything commencing before Sep 1st, and we don’t leave Australia until Sep 8th, and won’t start the ticket use until late Sep.

Made our first booking today (London to Zurich) - no problem.

Up to the second booking now (Florence to Rome) and have noticed an anomaly.

  • reservation fees start from EUR30 (1st & 2nd - 2 reservations)
  • as soon as I select a specific service, the price jumps to EUR56 - no matter which service
  • if I try my next booking (London to Milan) same thing occurs

If I log out, all bookings on these routes revert to EUR30.

Is there something strange occurring in Italy with reservations atm, or is this just the railway company gouging extra for the component of the ticket price they didn’t get? 

If it’s the latter, I’m feeling very ripped off!!!

The best places to book seats for passholders varies by country, for Italy it currently is www,  but only using the desktop site.

For a comprehensive list and guide refer to this website

Well, in the strangest of situations, I went to purchase the reservations at the higher price (EUR56), and at the very last point of the checkout process, the price revised itself DOWN to EUR30.

So one problem solved, but another to deal with.


That's why we suggest Rail Europe. No fees and seat selection with a map possible (2€ extra).

Which seats did you get on which train? I can have a look at the seat map on Trenitalia website.
