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Hi everyone! For our train trip between Berlin Hbf and Krakow Glowny, we would like to reserve two seats using the interrail app which redirects us to your site. However, we cannot make our seat reservations. We have already sent several emails to companies including: We had been on hold on their phone number for 3 hours with no response. We have a transfer time of ten minutes. Should we arrange this at the train station?

You can make it at any DB ticket counter so you don't have to wait until you arrive in Berlin. 10 min is quite tight as German trains are often delayed. Where are you coming from ? If possible I'd take an earlier train. In any case you won't have time to queue at the ticket counters.

Otherwise book from the first station in Poland (Rzepin) to Krakow on : 1 PLN (0.20€).

The rail planner app can't book any reservations.

Belgian railways may also be able to book this at a station where they can do international reservations, or by phone. Price should be €4.

The DB ticket machines are reported also to be able to book this reservation.
