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I received my seat reservations for the trip in Italy ( 8 pers), but several are missing and others are 3 or 5 times included. What can I do?

Contact customer support.

I contacted customer support but sofar no respons on this topic.

However the issue is the system itself.

Since I ordered the seatresevations I have received zip-files with tickets inside. You cannot see on the title which ticket is included. So each time I have to open 8 zip files wich included on average 3 - tickets.

Most of them are for one or two persons, hence for those people I have received by now ( 5 days later) at least 20 or more tickets.

On top, the day after, the 8 zip files hold different tickets. But again 90% are the same as before, but it might be that a new ticket is included. After 5 days I have collected all tickert but one. Still one is missing.

Why not one zip files with the 8 tickets inside ?????  so easy.


