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Hi everyone. I decided to go first time by train to Spain. But I reealized some connectins or trains wich can be find on national railway company's train finder can't be find in interrail train finder. For example connection between Barcelona and Cádiz can't be found at all, even though Renfe finder finds lots of connections. Interrail finder even doesn't know city of Cádiz. Or there are some trains which appears on Renfe finder, namely AVLO no. 06301 at 6:20 7th of january 2022, which can catch TGV 9708, but Interrail finder find just AVE no. 03063 at 6:30 the same day. But this train arrives to Barcelona just after departing TGV 9708. How can I load the journey to my mobile global pass if the finder does't even find specific train. Or can i just activate the travel day by another journey, sit on board to another train with reservation bought in the station and inspector will accept it? I don’t know how obligatory the trip loaded in mobile pass is.Thanks for your answer.

You can add a train manually. There's a link at the bottom of the planner results.

The planner app cannot be used to plan, as you've noticed. It doesn't get enough updates (do check if you have all app updates) and in addition, it doesn't help that some railways, such as RENFE, make last minute changes and don't send their complete timetable to the European Timetable Centre.

Thanks a lot rvdborgt. I'll try it manually.


ALWays try to use-for domestic trips, simply the planner/site of the railway concerned.

For general INTernational planning and are best.
