Hello, I have planned a route for spain and portugal and I have a global pass for a month. Can you help me in terms of lowering cost and planning better?
Places and dates are as follows:
10th -12th June Granada
12-14th June Malaga
14-16th Sevilla
16-19th Lisbon
19-21st Porto
21-24th Madrid
24-26th barcelona
I wont use my pass between lisbon and seville. I ll use bus for that trip. Are there free reservations on other trips and can you also advise on the dates? Is there any night trains? Since I mostly try to use couchsurfing app, the dates are flexible. I dont know that I can find a place at everywhere, but im trying. I can also appreciate any help or advise regarding accommodation.
Additionally, is there any advantage of using global pass except the trains? What I mean is is there a discount or any type of activities?
thank you so much in advance