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Bonjour, nous cherchons à faire le trajet Amsterdam - Copenhague de nuit le 22/08/2022 (17 h 10 - 7 h 04), mais le site indique “Tarifs temporairement indisponibles. Revenez dans quelques heures” (screenshots), alors que nous avons essayé il y a quelques jours. Surtout, le message d’erreur s’affiche sous un train sans réservation. Et impossible de réserver le train de nuit entre Hambourg et Koege. Faut-il le réserver ailleurs ? Avec un code Interrail ?

Merci d’avance pour vos réponses.


Hi, we are trying to book an Amsterdam - Copenhague night journey, the 22 of august, but the website say us “Prices temporarily unavailable, please come back later”. We have already tried to wait, but it’s the same result (screenshots).

The error message concerns a free-reservation train, and it’s impossible to book the night train between Hambourg and Koege. Do we have to book it for another way, with an Interrail code ?

Thank you for your responses



RES ONLY needed for the last=overnite, run by DSB (danske Stats baner) and -as its a global rpice train-only via the site of, cost 30 dkk. Its  a small seats only tog and very, very populair by 1000s of passholders with Flygskam fra Sverige-so expect disappointment.

This train is not in the screenshot. The overnight IC (only seats) leaves Hamburg Hbf at 23:56 and can be booked via DSB.

There is also-not daily-the snalltaget also 23.59 fra Hamburg-on to STockholm via Malmö-seats are 199 SEK-book via their own site. It may even be that train,as DSB runs to K/obenhavn and St stops K/oge -with change to S-bane

This is the train in the screenshot. If you only want a seat, booking the IC is much cheaper.

You can book reservations on the Snälltåget website. You'll need a pass cover number, which you can generate here if you have a mobile pass.

With current delays in Germany, I'd leave Amsterdam 2 hours earlier. You can book optional reservations for Amsterdam - Hamburg via DB for €4.50 per person and journey.

Thank you for your reply and the details :)

RES ONLY needed for the last=overnite, run by DSB (danske Stats baner) and -as its a global rpice train-only via the site of, cost 30 dkk. Its  a small seats only tog and very, very populair by 1000s of passholders with Flygskam fra Sverige-so expect disappointment.

There is also-not daily-the snalltaget also 23.59 fra Hamburg-on to STockholm via Malmö-seats are 199 SEK-book via their own site. It may even be that train,as DSB runs to K/obenhavn and St stops K/oge -with change to S-bane

Fair chance you will not make it as connections very tight , works along part of the way and DB=german have always eternal long delays.
