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I want to go by bus from Murjek (Sweden, Norrland) to Kvikkjokk. The provider is Länstraffiken  Norrbotten , which is listed as participating by Interrail ( But I can’t get a ticket: Kvikkjokk is not listed at all, for there is no railway station.

If it’s not a rail replacement bus, it’s not included. This is not a rail replacement bus, so you’ll need to buy an ordinary bus ticket.

It’s not uncommon in Scandinavia for transport companies to run trains and busses, but you only can use the trains.

The description on the page mentioned is too wide. The pass is actually only valid on the bus line Tornio – Haparanda - Luleå:


The answer is not correct. There are not-train-replacement connections by bus that are included by an Interrail pass (see @rvdborgt ): Tornio – Haparanda - Luleå.


The answer is not correct. There are not-train-replacement connections by bus that are included by an Interrail pass (see @rvdborgt ): Tornio – Haparanda - Luleå.

It's been a while since I was in Sweden. But if I'm not mistaken that bus does replace trains, because of engineering works there ;) 

I have sent a question regarding Interrail/Eurail to Customer Support at Norrbottens Länstrafik. I hope I'll get an answer soon. 


Thank you. I did so too.

But the answer of @rvdborgt  seems to be correct as his link confirms.

Customer Support at Norrbottens Länstrafik confirmed that Interrail/Eurail is valid on the bus between Haparanda and Luleå  
