I’m trying to figure out an itinerary to travel from UK through France & Spain to Morocco on the Tarifa-Tangier ferry in January - I read that Man in Seat 61 highly recommends this route. However having got as far as finding trains as far as Antequera-Santa Ana (using seat61’s suggested itineraries) I’ve now got rather stuck. I’ve not found any departures at suitable times from Antequera to Algeciras, looking on the interrail planner, renfe.com and raileurope.com so I’ve no idea whether the itinerary is feasible, so daren’t book anything yet. I’ve a few questions…
Is it too soon to expect train times on this route to be published? There seems to be one train time published on the route but at a totally unsuitable time - the one mentioned by seat61 doesn’t appear, although if I look at dates in December there are far more trains.
According to seat61, the Antequera to Algeciras trains are Media Distancia. Do these require seat reservations?
And finally, I read that interrail passholders can get a discount on the ferry. Since the plan was to stay overnight in Algeciras and take the ferry the next morning , I assume this would count as a day on my pass wouldn’t it? In which case I guess I’d need to work out whether the saving justifies getting a longer pass.