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My friend and I are starting our Interrail next week. It is becoming very difficult to book two seats from Venezia St.. Lucia to Villach HBF. We would like to book a night train.

We have tried it on, Treinitalia and OBB's website, and we haven't been able to book them.

We would really appreciate some help and a solution.

Thank you :)

What is your travel date?

Also note that the direct train from Venice arrives in Villach just after midnight.

We are trevelling on Wednesday 9th of August. We would like to book a night train to arribe to Villach on the 10th.

There are seats on or (add Interrail as a discount and select one-way tickets) for 13.50€ : 21:05 - 00:12.

Keep in mind that you'll arrive at midnight in the middle of nowhere basically. Do you have another destination in mind ?

There are couchettes and sleepers from Bologna but you arrive in Villach at 3 am...

There are seats available on the train leaving Venezia Santa Lucia at 21:05, but arrival in Villach is then 0:27.

You can also take a train from Venice at 22:04 to Padova and then take a night train from there at 23:43, arriving in Villach at 3:22 but that's in the middle of the night.

Seats are available on for both night trains; add the Eurail/Interrail discount.

But in my opinion Venice and Villach are simply too close for a night train.

Thank you for your answers. We are aware of the schedule.

One more question, when de are booking the train tickets, where do we apply de eurail/interrail discount?

Or you use one of the two railjets trains that start in the morning and afternoon. RJ Venice-Villach-Vienna

One more question, when de are booking the train tickets, where do we apply de eurail/interrail discount? is the easiest for many night trains. When you add passengers, you will see a link "Discount card”. Click on it, then click on "International” at the bottom of the list and then on "Interrail / Eurail - Globalpass”.
