No, there is not-since at least 5-6 yrs by now.
There used to be a narrow gauge railline all around the half-island, but the rails are still there-overgrown etc, but the trains not. It was the noble idea to regauge it and renovate etc-and that has till now only been feasible for about halfway-after that its a bus (DK if included in pass or not). This seems tipical for about any rail-plan anywhere in GR. As is the status of actual info from TrainOSE on what is on offer today+morrow.
As about anywhere in GR the normal green buses by KTEL transport the major nr of passengers-they are not overly expensive nor overly cheap. Also note that from the info on this forum-it gets asked many times, there is for now-or appears to be- NO real free ferry for trainpassholders-the ferry CAN be free (except port+fuel+season etc tax) if you have that Greek Islands Ferry Pass (Anek/Superfast ferries). Most of the many other ferries also give discounts-so simply save that travelpassday en use it somewhere else! ANY Gr port and all touristy places are full of agents happy to book a ferrytrip for you too.
Oh-en door GR reizen is per trein behoorlijk beperkt-in feite tot de hoofdlijn Ath-Thessaloniki met enkele zijlijntjes, niet de regio die de meeste toeristen trekt (behalve Thebe). NAAR GR per trein via oud-Joegoslavie is ook al ruim 2 jaar geheel buiten dienst.