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I have the eurorailpass and have problems using the app for bookings from Porto to Toledo or Madrid to Paris.  

Spain is very incomplete in the app because Spanish railways (RENFE) only share a part of their timetable with the rest of the world. For Spanish timetables, check the RENFE website or Rail Europe (who somehow managed to get timetables of Spanish long distance trains).

For the few connections that are left between Portugal and Spain, also check Seat61.

Thanks a lot! I will check it out. Cheers

P to T is quite a roundabout route-by train-and needs you to use at least 4 (FOUR!) different trains and most likely cannot even be done in 1 day. Even the national site of (ES railways) is unable to show the whole trip in 1 go. M->P needs at least 1 change-Barcelona and then the always very hard to get daily direct to P or change somewhere in FR (the direct train AVE from M runs to/ends  Marseille)

All these trains also require a fairly high extra supplmt-esp. those over the borders.
