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Hi in traveling europe right now and we had some trouble. We booked a trainticket to München from Zagreb and i could reserve a seat at the trainstation but i cant seem to find the trip in the interrail app and this isnt the first time it happen. Luckely they didnt check it before but now i wounder why You cant find some trains on interrail? 

and some times when you check on the website and the app they show you different trains and different times…

forget that app , use a decent planner that gets updated often and shows more-general best is

For these overnite trains is a spec prob: they consist in several parts that get shunted in the night to go into other trains-and receive cars from that. That is too difficult for many planners to understand.

The Interrailapp is not reliable. Use bestwise the localapp of the Railcompany you travel on. Or use atleast one of the majorapps like DB Navigator, Scotty or Muj Vlak :)
