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Is it necessary that I take the next train at the same spot where I left the last one? Or is it allowed to travel otherwise in the meantime. For example: I travel to Berlin, now I chill some days. Does my next ride has to start in Berlin or is it allowed that my next ride is from Amsterd (because I travelled with a car in the meantime for example).


Thanks guys! 

Is it necessary that I take the next train at the same spot where I left the last one?

Not at all. You can make whatever next journey you like.

Perfect! So its also not necessary that my first ride is from my homecountry, right? So I can use those 2 rides in my homecountry later? 

You can use the 2 travel days in your home country at any time, or don’t use them at all.

Perfect! So its also not necessary that my first ride is from my homecountry, right? So I can use those 2 rides in my homecountry later? 

Correct. You can use the inbound/outbound journeys at any time during the validity of your pass. You can also not use them at all. Just keep in mind they're not extra travel days.

Okay thank you very much! 

My current 10 days in 2 MO pas has ´gaps´ between Helsinki and Frankfort/oder, München and Wuppertal and some more. The out+In are also not at all on 1st/last day.
