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We want to book a train from Rovereto to Ancona for april 2022.

However the train schedules on the planner of the interrailApp are different from those published by the Italian company. What to do?



Always check if there are updates for the rail panner app.

In case of doubt, the operator's schedule is more reliable.

The rail planner app will always receive updates later and less frequently and for some countries, the app not complete. This is also the case for Italy.

For this reason, do not plan with the rail planner app. Use the operators’ or national websites/apps and for international planning, use the Deutsche Bahn website or DB Navigator app.

Thank you for the quick reply.

Can i manually input the schedule from the DB website into the interrailapp?

I believe , I read this somrwhere.


Can i manually input the schedule from the DB website into the interrailapp?

Sure you can. In the rail planner app, at the bottom of the results of the planner, there's always a link "Add journey manually”.

Its ITaly, so as for now there are not yet definite timings for Easterweek and afters. They are always very late with that-sometimes even till after the starting day has passed!

Also: maybe with a few more changes you can probably do the whole trip on local/regional trains which you do not need to book anyway. Plus that IT-fast trains (IC probably here, hardly any HiSpeed Frecce on this line) only need to be paid 3/4€ for the obligatory SEAT REServation-can only be done at local ticket counters, not online. And NO-trains are not fully booked several monthes advance, its more likely as above-that bookings are not even open yet.
