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Train Strike impact: Aug. 19 - Leeds to Gatwick

  • 10 August 2022
  • 1 reply

We are planning to go from Leeds to Gatwick on Aug. 19. It’s not to catch a flight, but stay at a hotel there that night.

I know the strike days planned are the 18th and 20th, but does anyone know whether I should expect issues on the 19th?

We can change plans and go closer to south of London if needed, but would prefer to leave the Leeds area on the 19th if possible.

Thank you very much.

1 reply

Userlevel 7
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For Leeds to London there will be some trains but check on these at

Just drop the date down to select your day.

London has a tube strike on that day and so getting from Kings Cross may be difficult.

There are many train services to Gatwick so you will need to check those separately. 
