Strange, when I go with the train with panoramic coach from Vienna to Krakow, rail planner app says I do need a reservation for 8€ (but not where to buy).
But when I go from Krakow to Vienna with the same train, a reservation is only optional.
is this a mistake? What happens if I board this train in Vienna without a reservation?
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The rail planner app indeed says mandatory reservations only from Wien to Kraków and not in the other direction. That's however incorrect. It's mandatory in both directions, see e.g. the information from also mentions mandatory reservations correctly, so it looks like it's in the data shared by PKP and the rail planner app should therefore also have that data. But unfortunately, we all know that the rail planner app is unreliable and can't be trusted.
Reservations should be possible via e.g. or For €3.
Any way I can have a reservation in the panoramic coach? Unfortunately on oebb there is no option to choose… maybe at the oebb ticket office?
There's only 1 1st class carriage, and that is the panoramic carriage. I'm not sure why ÖBB let you choose between open-plan and compartments… there's only the (open-plan) panoramic carriage.
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