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We want to catch a bus from Kalamata in the south Peloponnese to Olympia. It appears the bus stops at Zacharo which is roughly 50km short of Olympia. I dont understand why this would be the case. There seems to only be the option of catching a taxi the remaining distance.

Has anybody done this trip? I know that buses coming from the north go all the way to Olympia from Athens.




Renee L (Australia).

From where did you get the information to go to Ζαχάρως / Zacharo?

AFAIK the only option that makes sense (by public transport) would be to catch a bus to Πύργος / Pyrgos (8.30 / 16.00 - both not possible on saturdays) and change here for a connecting bus (12 connections per day, less at weekends) or train (leaves three tlmes a day, e.g. 12.35 from march / not on sundays).

All information without guarantee. 

It is simply a fact that in GR-even in these times of www, NOT all KTEL lines/timings are on web. Plus that one cannot book online either so there is no need. One can safely assume that ANY even tiny minor village (if not on an island) will have a buslink, perhaps not overly frequent and only to nearby bigger town with schools/hospital etc-what even OZ cannot offer its citizens in such settlements.

Best practice is simply to ask/check right after arrival at the stop. And if one stays somehwere, the innkeeper will know.

I went to Rome2Rio for connection information. I agree that the bus service probably exists but is not shown. 

Also agree about Oz have awful transport services!!! 


ReneeL (Australia) 

The bus company has all tlmetables online.

What Rome2Rio suggests is of course no good idea to do that trip. 
