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Hi, I’ve seen on the website that Estonia and its railways Elron should be covered in the Global Pass. My plans hae changed a bit and I’m currently in Estonia but I’m unable to find any of the Estonian towns in the official Eurail timerables and thus can’t “purchase” any ticket. What can I do? My Pass will be valid from tomorrow. Has anything changed and Estonia isn’t part of Eurail anymore? Thanks

Estonia is still in the Validity Room but sadly there is no Timetable for Estonia in the Planner App and you have to add each train manual 🙂 There is somewhere the option to add a non listed train :)

Thanks for the reply. The thing is that I was forced to buy the ticket onboard as the manually added journey and QR code weren’t compatible with the reading device of the Elron staff. I really don’t know what to do and definitely don’t want to spend money on tickets that I already paid for.

You should probably contact support, I wouldn’t want to buy tickets twice either..

Hi Michal, I'm sorry to hear that you had to buy a ticket on board. If the staff was not able to scan your ticket, I advise you to contact our Customer Support team directly here, as they can look into your case. If you have any receipt of the ticket, please keep it and provide it to the Customer Support agent who is helping you. 

Hi Michal, I'm sorry to hear that you had to buy a ticket on board. If the staff was not able to scan your ticket, I advise you to contact our Customer Support team directly here, as they can look into your case. If you have any receipt of the ticket, please keep it and provide it to the Customer Support agent who is helping you.

@Nanja Could you please add a FAQ on the website/in the app (possibly here) about what to do in case train staff claim you have an invalid ticket because they can't scan it? Additionally, do you tell train companies that they can just scroll down on the mobile phone to see all the information in readable form and that scanning is not required for the Interrail to be valid?

Hi rvdborgt, thanks for the suggestion. I've passed it on to the relevant team to look into and will come back to you here, once I know more. The train companies are informed about reading the Pass and checking security without the QR codes. So if you come across cases where this wasn't the case, please provide me with the following information:

  • Date/time/train number
  • Route
  • Description of the issue 



I noticed several issues on Czech Reclyk Trains (FastTrains) on the Eurocities and Railjet ive noticed it just once. I could explain on the Eurocity the Situation to the conductor and he was fine. (Otherwise he wanted to Charge the Eurail travelers ). We had a small talk and he said that they are not trained for the mobile passes and if they see a Code they try to Scan it as then their Device says ticket valid or not. He had no clue how to check Railpasses 😕 ive said the oldstyle way with reading and ID Card + filled Traveldiary. 

I am currently in Czech Republic (but not with Interrail) 

Hi Seewulf, thanks for flagging. I have seen more customers have the issue on Czech trains. Luckily you were there to explain it. All carriers have been informed about the way to check the Pass information and security in case the QR code does not work (on multiple occasions) but as you can imagine with such high number of train staff all over Czech, let alone Europe these cases will keep popping up in the coming period as the transition from paper to mobile is something that they need to get used to. Nevertheless, if these cases pop up, we do want to know the date/time/train number and exact route, next to the train type, so that we can take specific action with the carrier. So if you know those details, do let me know. Cheers, 

Yesterday from Debrecen to Budapest our passes (travelling with my wife) were scanned by two conductors from MAV Start. The first one did't have any problem. The next one could't read my pass as far I understood. Furtunately he did't force me to pay again. Strange world of scanning.

@Noltalgic railer  do you have the  trainnumber or the depature time?

Hi! We took IC 654, dep. at 12.53.

@Noltalgic railer  with this informations Eurail can investigate further 😉 together with the Railcompany :)

I just can say it for Germany that there was no special information during  the anual teaching session with the new mobile pass only a Email for all Conductors at the start. I just heard from few that they had struggles in Germany.

Right now we're travelling from Budapest to Zagreb. QR codes scanned by a hungarian and a croatian conductor without any problems.

Thanks for the details, I will pass it on. Cheers, 
